Wednesday 29 June 2011


Sometimes when you have lost hope in people, when you stop trusting, when you have been hurt, when you cannot see yourself ever trusting another person, when you have lost hope in your dreams ever working out, when you cannot believe that decent people still exist in the world ...... something always happens to make you hope again, dream again, trust again!!
There are a thousand things that can go wrong in any person's life but after all the trials and tribulations that a person has faced, even the smallest thing that happens as it is supposed to will instil hope in them....
Life is full of ups and downs.... When you have been in the troughs for a long time, you forget how the peaks felt. Even if it has been a long time since d peak, worry not! Life always turns around and you wil taste success soon!!
Never stop working... Never stop yearning for success!!!

Monday 27 June 2011

B truthful!

Why are some people so successful in totally keeping their true nature hidden for such a long time? Those people need to be so talented to be able to act like they are so friendly while they end up insulting you in a very bad way! !
I think if u need to be called a human, u need to be open abt how you interact with others. If u don't like a person atleast be decent enough not to act like u like them. D moment the other person realises that you were just acting, it wil certainly hurt them. And that just proves that you dont deserve to be a human.
Always lead ur life truthfully. Never act in front of others.

Sunday 26 June 2011

I hav to start working on a lot of stuff but why am I feeling so lazy?? Some people like postponing stuff til it becomes so urgent that it has to be started at that minute if there should be any possibility of the work getting done !! Or maybe I am not interested in that work and that's why I keep on postponing???
I know that only if all the pending stuff is completed, I can take complete rest with no distractions :-) But I still wanna postpone d stuff as long as I can..... Just a few more days :-) I wil somehow finish it!!

Monday 20 June 2011

Once upon a time I met a person who thought like me..... Had d same opinions abt the things that mattered. Years have gone by and as expected we have drifted apart... But does that mean that either of us has changed? I need not think abt the answer to that question at all. Neither one of us changed in any way. Our friendship will never change.. The society ends up changing the equations between many people but the foundation always stays the same.
In our lives we sometimes have the privilege of meeting people who end up changing the way we see ourselves. If we meet a person who makes our life worthwhile, do whatever you can to ensure that the person stays somewhere near to inspire you.

D past n why it always seems better!!

When we sit and look back at the path we have traversed, why do we not see the trails and tribulations we underwent? D past seems so cozy and sweet. Is it because we overcame all the tests we had to undergo that we are happy? The outcome was satisfying so it was good?
When I think of my past, there are a lot of regrets! But if I was given the chance to go back in time, I will in a heartbeat! I know that I will do a few things differently.... have more fun sometimes..... be more serious about life... will not take some things to heart.... spend more time with the people who really care about me... stop talking to the people who will end up hurting me.... most importantly, do the things to safeguard my future and life!!
But I am never going back to change my mistakes..... so I hope I have the courage to do the right things at least now. I need to take d reins of my life in my hands and be happy!!

A new start...

Two days back (48 hrs exactly), I had to let go of a bad habit of mine... (not smoking, drinking or anythin else of the like ). In the first few hours, it was very difficult to pass the minutes... one day into this, i had no wish to get back to d habit..... n now, 48 hrs later, i do wish tat i can go back. But i also know that if i go back, i can never come out.... I hav to b strong!!
I wil b strong!!