Monday 17 October 2011


All it takes to make ur life change tracks is just a sentence or a second! You never know what is going to happen a few seconds or minutes into the future. The best days of your life can suddenly end and the worst time possible can start! Similarly, the worst time of your life can suddenly turn into a time filled with fun and laughter!
So, when you are going through a bad time, believe that it will certainly end!

Sunday 16 October 2011

It's only when we are not happy that we need someone or something to make us smile and forget our misfortunes.
Always remember that family should stay together. But if a person cannot support a person from his/her family, they better stay away from them rather than spoil a person's peace of mind and life.

Saturday 9 July 2011


Trust is a very important part of every relationship in our lives. A person trusts his/her friends to be there when they need them. We trust our family to stand by us in periods of adversity. We trust our siblings to fight alongside us. We trust our colleagues not to destroy us when our backs are turned.
But what happens when it is proved that the trust we had on someone was misplaced? Do we have the strength to brush off the experience and move on? Is brushing off and moving on the best solution? What if we are so broken that we never want to trust anyone ever again? Is that a good solution??
I believe the best solution lies between the two extremes. We have to learn something from the experience. Think and find out what we did wrong. And make sure that you never do the same mistake again. We should also take some time to feel and mourn, coz when our trust in someone is broken, a part of us dies! Mourn till you feel better, smile and get on with your life.
Life is precious and we never know when our time is about to run out! Be brave and face life as it comes. And try never to destroy the trust someone has in you :-)

Saturday 2 July 2011


Life is very complex. People enter our lives constantly and some of them do not deserve to be it. It is very easy to let those people go. But sometimes, a person enters your life and changes how satisfied you are with the way your life is going.
Some people make you satisfied with who you are and where you are going in life. While at the same time, others make you realize how dissatisfied you are.
I realized that my life has become stagnant and that I have to change how my life is going. I need strength to make things happen. I need friends who believe in me and give me courage to follow my dreams- d dreams that I gave up on.
I need strength! I need someone to help me out sometimes.....

Disappointment :-(

Who can you trust in life?
I think the answer to the question posed above depends upon the situation you find yourself in. It is guaranteed that if you are trying to make your life better, every1 who promises to help you will conveniently forget the promise they made.
Why are people so forgetful sometimes? Is it because they don't think that you deserve help to pull yourself out of the rut you find yourself in??
I am a lazy person and also find it difficult to ask for help from others. When I do end up asking for help, it means I trust the person to help me! But why do I always trust people who always end up betraying me?? I know that I am not stupid.... I dont trust people very easily either..... But why do I always get disappointed?? Mayb I don't deserve happiness??? Mayb I should give up??

Wednesday 29 June 2011


Sometimes when you have lost hope in people, when you stop trusting, when you have been hurt, when you cannot see yourself ever trusting another person, when you have lost hope in your dreams ever working out, when you cannot believe that decent people still exist in the world ...... something always happens to make you hope again, dream again, trust again!!
There are a thousand things that can go wrong in any person's life but after all the trials and tribulations that a person has faced, even the smallest thing that happens as it is supposed to will instil hope in them....
Life is full of ups and downs.... When you have been in the troughs for a long time, you forget how the peaks felt. Even if it has been a long time since d peak, worry not! Life always turns around and you wil taste success soon!!
Never stop working... Never stop yearning for success!!!

Monday 27 June 2011

B truthful!

Why are some people so successful in totally keeping their true nature hidden for such a long time? Those people need to be so talented to be able to act like they are so friendly while they end up insulting you in a very bad way! !
I think if u need to be called a human, u need to be open abt how you interact with others. If u don't like a person atleast be decent enough not to act like u like them. D moment the other person realises that you were just acting, it wil certainly hurt them. And that just proves that you dont deserve to be a human.
Always lead ur life truthfully. Never act in front of others.