Saturday 9 July 2011


Trust is a very important part of every relationship in our lives. A person trusts his/her friends to be there when they need them. We trust our family to stand by us in periods of adversity. We trust our siblings to fight alongside us. We trust our colleagues not to destroy us when our backs are turned.
But what happens when it is proved that the trust we had on someone was misplaced? Do we have the strength to brush off the experience and move on? Is brushing off and moving on the best solution? What if we are so broken that we never want to trust anyone ever again? Is that a good solution??
I believe the best solution lies between the two extremes. We have to learn something from the experience. Think and find out what we did wrong. And make sure that you never do the same mistake again. We should also take some time to feel and mourn, coz when our trust in someone is broken, a part of us dies! Mourn till you feel better, smile and get on with your life.
Life is precious and we never know when our time is about to run out! Be brave and face life as it comes. And try never to destroy the trust someone has in you :-)


naveen said...

life is like that ..... happens to all of us, one time or other ..... but LIFE GOES ON ..... so lets get out have fun.....

Shiana said...

It just takes some time to come back to normal.... We just hav to try to be positive and face it as it comes....

Hema said...

With every broken trust, we learn to get stronger and more self reliant.

Shiana said...

That's true Hema!!